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Serving Austin, TX and surrounding areas since 1979


Zone Control System Services

Residential central air conditioning and heating are among the best modern living conveniences. But central comfort systems do have a major drawback: when a forced–air heater or air conditioner turns on, they send conditioned air to every room connected to the ventilation system, regardless of whether they need their temperatures adjusted. However, the installation of a zone control system allows you to change this so you can precisely control how you heat and cool your home.

Once you have zone control professionally installed for your HVAC system, you decide which sections in your home receive cooled or heated air. You’ll save money on energy bills and everyone in your household will enjoy superior comfort. Call Roznovak's Services to find out what we can do to outfit your current HVAC system with the wonderful benefits of a zone control system. Contact us today!

Roznovak's Services provides quality zone control system installation, repair, and maintenance services in Austin, TX and the surrounding areas.

How a Zone Control System Works

Although zone control systems require the labor of experienced technicians to install, they are simple in concept. A series of dampers placed into the ductwork can close off the flow of air from the heater and air conditioner. Each of the dampers connects to a local thermostat that can adjust it, and this creates a discrete "zone" in the home. The zone thermostats link into a central control panel, where the homeowner can manipulate temperatures throughout the house.

You have multiple options for how a zone control system is laid out in your home. You can have as few as two zones (upstairs/downstairs are common divisions) to as many as there are rooms. If you are planning new air conditioning or heating installation, you can make zone control a part of process; or you can choose to retrofit an existing HVAC system for zoning.

The Advantages of Installing a Zone Control System

The major benefit that zone control offers is that it reduces the amount of waste that can go into heating or cooling a home with a central comfort system. If your home has multiple spots that often have no need of heating or cooling (such as an unoccupied guest room), you will no longer have to spend money controlling their temperature when it’s unnecessary. The total savings you can receive from zone control can compensate for the installation costs.

There are other important advantages of zone heating and air conditioning. Through the local thermostats, people in your home can adjust temperatures to fit their needs without changing the temperatures throughout the rest of the house. Every person has individual requirements for comfort, and zone control remove arguments about whether a home is "too cold" or "too hot" and gives each person the choice to control the climate wherever they are.

The individual control extends to the needs of the rooms as well: some places in your home benefit from higher or lower temperatures. You can cool down the kitchen while keeping an infant’s room warm. You’ll have greater comfort over all thanks to a zone control system.

Contact Us for Zone Control System Services

To receive the full benefits of a zone control system, you need the professional experience of people like those at Roznovak's Services. We have made keeping homes in Austin, TX comfortable our business since 1979. Call us today to learn more about how we can provide zone heating and cooling for your house. We’ll answer all your questions and get you started on the road to better comfort and savings. We are also available if you require services to repair, maintain, or replace a current zone control system. Schedule service with us today!

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