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Don’t Let Cooling Inefficiency Get You Down

vent in wall near floorThe professional installation of a quality climate control system, like your air conditioning in Round Rock, TX, is absolutely essential not only to your comfort, but even to your health.

And there are a variety of options to choose from when it comes to your air conditioner installation. You may decide to stick with a traditional central cooling system, or perhaps you want to start enjoying the benefits of a year-round heat pump or ductless air conditioner.

Installation is just the beginning, however. If you want that cooling system to work as efficiently as it should, then you have to care for it the right way, by scheduling routine maintenance and by following these suggestions.

Don’t Set Your Temperatures Lower Than You Need

This may sound like a funny piece of advice, given that the whole point of an air conditioner is to cool down your living space. We don’t intend to advise you to keep your home hotter than is comfortable. What we do recommend, however, is turning your thermostat a little higher than you might actually need in order to help with cooling efficiency.

Many homeowners set their thermostats at about 72°F at the height of summer, even though the majority of people can maintain comfort just fine at 78°F. Additionally, you’ll save energy and efficiency by raising the temperature even higher when your home is unoccupied or when you’re sleeping.

Use Your Ceiling Fans!

Have you ever been told that ceiling fans are pointless because they can’t actually cool down a room? While it is true that a fan alone cannot lower the temperature of a room, it can help you feel cooler, since it helps sweat evaporate from your body—its natural way of keeping cool. On a mildly warm day, a ceiling fan may be plenty enough to keep you cool and keep your energy bills down.

And when temperatures do rise and you must use your air conditioner, ceiling fans can help! They distribute air more evenly and allow you to set the thermostat a bit higher. This way, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard to do its job, and therefore you’re able to use it more efficiently.

Change Out Your Air Filter

We’ve mentioned this is past blog posts, but your air filter gets dirty and clogged up with dust, dirt, and debris over time. Ultimately, this makes it more difficult for your air to circulate through the air conditioner, and therefore harder for your AC system to effectively keep you cool.

As a result, you can find yourself facing an air conditioner malfunction. Be sure to change your air filter every 1 to 3 months, depending both on the manufacturer’s recommendation and the level of contaminants in your home.

Upgrade Your System When the Time Comes

No AC system lasts forever. If yours is approaching the end of its lifespan (typically 10 to 15 years depending on its manufacturer) then you certainly may want to start discussing your replacement and upgrade options. Air conditioners today perform much more efficiently than those of even a decade ago.

Reach out to Roznovak’s Services today for more great tips and exceptional HVAC services!

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