We know, you’re probably thinking, “but it’s already hot outside!” This is precisely our point, though—with summer temperatures already here, the time to prepare your air conditioner for consistent hot weather, if you haven’t done so already, is now! Make sure that your air conditioner is ready to cool down your house, and save you some money while doing it, by keeping the following tips in mind.
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Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category
Tips to Get Your AC Ready for Summer
Monday, June 5th, 2017Have You Scheduled Your Commercial AC Maintenance Yet?
Monday, May 22nd, 2017The fact of the matter is, Texas residents don’t get much of a reprieve from sweltering temperatures at all—at least, not compared to other parts of the country. But that doesn’t mean you should wait for a cooler week to schedule your Hutto, TX commercial air conditioning services. In fact, timely commercial AC maintenance is even more important for businesses in our area than elsewhere, given how reliant we are on these systems.
Scheduling your commercial air conditioning maintenance now means avoiding the most severe of repair troubles, energy waste, and premature system breakdowns. Proper air conditioning care not only affects the comfort for employees, customers, clientele, and/or tenants, but is essential in protecting equipment from overheating and otherwise accumulating damage. Homeowners only need to worry about the comfort of a few people, but as a commercial property owner or business manager, you must concern yourself with the comfort of many.
Why Isn’t My AC Working Right?
Monday, May 8th, 2017Any homeowner who has lived here at least a year knows that temperatures never really cool down enough to turn our AC systems off for as extended period of time as in other parts of the country. As such, you need your cooling system to operate as efficiently and effectively as it’s meant too all year long. So if it seems to be struggling right now, it’s the perfect time to schedule professional Georgetown, TX air conditioning services—before the hottest of summer temperatures come to greet us.
The type of repairs or service you need will depend on the kind of trouble you’re having with your air conditioner. For instance, if it is blowing out warm air, you could have a refrigerant leak. Or, if the system is making loud and/or unfamiliar noises, there may be a loose component. Read on to discover some of the common causes of an AC malfunction.
Determining When to Replace Your Air Conditioner
Monday, April 10th, 2017Your central cooling system, no matter how well you take care of it, will not last forever. At some time or another, it will need repairs, and eventually it will age to the point that repairs turn into a replacement. But how do you know when that time has come? There are a number of factors to take into consideration, and it’s usually a combination of them that will solidify your decision.
There are a number of factors to take into consideration, and it’s usually a combination of them that will solidify your decision.
Potentially Ominous AC Noises and What They Mean
Monday, March 27th, 2017Spring is officially here, and for Texas residents, we are well aware that summer temperatures aren’t much further off. Hopefully, you have a well-maintained air conditioning system that has gotten you through years of reliable service and is prepared to get you through this next cooling season as well. However, if you’ve been neglecting any Austin, TX air conditioning repairs, or suspect that your AC system may need a repair or two, then now is the perfect time to address this.
One of the most common signs of an air conditioner in disrepair is unfamiliar or loud noises coming from the unit. You more than anyone are going to know the everyday sounds your AC makes—so if you hear any of the following noises, it’s time to give our professionals a call.
AC Troubleshooting: Why Isn’t My System Cooling?
Monday, March 13th, 2017With temperatures slightly higher than average for this time of year, we’re all well aware that warmer weather is well on its way. Perhaps you’ve already turned on your air conditioner for the cooling season. If so, hopefully you haven’t experienced any problems.
But what if there’s no cool air coming from your system? This is obviously a concern considering our climate. Fortunately, you can reach out to our team for timely air conditioner repairs in Hutto, TX. But in the meantime, it may help you to know what could be causing this issue.
Why You Should Only Schedule Your AC Installation with a Professional
Monday, February 27th, 2017Today’s air conditioning systems are far more energy efficient than those of even just a couple decades ago. However, they can only work well if they are properly installed from the start. Without professional Georgetown, TX air conditioner installation, your system can’t possibly be expected to perform as well as it’s meant to.
This means that you could very well find yourself investing in costly repairs down the road that otherwise wouldn’t have been necessary. You could even be facing a premature system replacement. A professional installation involves determining cooling loads, helping you select the best model of AC system for your specific home and needs, and many other considerations.
It’s Never Too Early to Think about AC Maintenance
Monday, February 13th, 2017This is especially the case for Texas residents! As you’re well aware, our state is known for its heat. Sure, we’ve had some chilly temperatures, and we still have some cool weather ahead. But for the most part we really needn’t worry about dealing with bitterly cold temperatures for too long. What we do need to worry about, though, is whether or not our air conditioners are equipped to handle another season of reliable cooling. The number one way to ensure this is by scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance.
Maintaining your air conditioner is an important part of home care, increasing the efficiency of your comfort systems and appliances and ensuring that everything is safe for your home and your family. Air conditioning maintenance, in particular, is a good way to ensure that when summer temps do start rising, you will be well prepared and won’t have to scramble to schedule services.
Is Something Wrong with Your AC System?
Monday, October 31st, 2016While many other parts of the country are preparing their heating systems for the work they’re about to do, we are still using our air conditioners on a frequent basis. Since we use our AC systems for such a long period of time, when fall finally arrives they’ve already been put through a lot of stress. If your system is aging or if you haven’t scheduled regular maintenance, then this added stress can create issues with your AC system.
It’s important that you keep an eye out for indications that your AC system is experiencing trouble so that you can get the unit repaired as soon as possible. Here are signs that you might have a problem with your air conditioner.
Air Conditioning Trouble: The Problem with a Bad Capacitor
Monday, October 24th, 2016One of the most frequent service calls we get in regards to air conditioning repairs has to do with electrical system problems. AC units inherently involve a variety of components, circuits, and connections that all have to work seamlessly together for your cooling system to function properly. Even a seemingly minor component failure can affect your AC.
There’s a group of components in your air conditioner that you should especially be concerned about: the capacitors. Without your capacitors, the motors that power your compressor and fans wouldn’t be able to operate. Read on to discover what your AC capacitors do and what can go wrong if one fails.