Roznovak's Services Blog:
Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Is Your Air Conditioner Being Kept Clean?

Monday, October 17th, 2016

While other parts of the country are prepping their heaters for the coming cold weather, you may still be using your air conditioning system on a regular basis. And if it is providing you with cool air, then even if it has troubling symptoms you probably aren’t giving much thought to its condition. However, there are a number of different issues that you should be aware of which could negatively affect the performance and efficiency of your cooling system. One of those things is a dirty evaporator coil.

During your regular maintenance appointment, our technicians will thoroughly clean your entire air conditioning system, including the evaporator coil. However, even if you schedule this service once a year, it does not guarantee that the evaporator coil will stay clean, and does not guarantee that you’ll never need service on your AC. Why does all this matter though?

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Factors to Consider Before Your Air Conditioner Installation

Monday, October 10th, 2016

As temperatures get ever so slightly cooler, you may be considering an air conditioning system replacement if your current one is starting to show troubling symptoms of age or operational problems. Hopefully your air conditioner didn’t fail on you when you needed it most, but either way if it’s time for a replacement then it’s important that you carefully consider your options.

Our team will be happy to help you find an AC system that meets your specific needs. But there are a few things you should know before rushing out and getting a replacement cooling system—as tempting as that may be right now. Keep reading to learn more about the factors you should consider before having a new air conditioning system installed.

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Should a Ductless Air Conditioner Be Your Next Home Comfort Installation?

Monday, October 3rd, 2016

While other parts of the country are preparing their heaters for the cold season ahead, we’re still trying to get through sweltering weather here in Texas. You may already have a classic centralized air conditioner in your home to keep it cool, and perhaps it did its job quite well upon installation. However, if you are thinking about replacing your air conditioner for any reason, it’s worth it to consider the advantages of the ever-popular ductless system.

Summer is slowly but surely winding down and our slightly cooler temperatures give you a great opportunity to plan for an AC system replacement at leisure. There are a number of factors to consider though, which we’ve covered below.

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What Happens During Professional Air Conditioner Installation?

Monday, September 5th, 2016

Today’s air conditioning systems are much more energy efficient than models of the past. However, they can only perform at their best if they are installed correctly. If they aren’t, then they can’t operate at peak efficiency, and can also suffer from expensive repair needs and/or premature system failure. From determining cooling loads to choosing the best type of cooling system for your home, we take all appropriate factors into consideration when preparing to install your air conditioning system.

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Beware These Common End of Season AC Problems

Monday, August 29th, 2016

Summer may be slowly coming to a close, but as any Texas resident knows, the hot weather is not finished with us quite yet. As such, a properly functioning air conditioning system is essential. Hopefully, yours has performed well over the last couple of months and you haven’t had any huge malfunctions.

However, this is the time of year that air conditioners tend to run into problems—particularly if you haven’t had routine preventive maintenance performed in the last year. Air conditioners are designed to withstand extreme temperatures and many years of use, but no air conditioner is immune to problems—this is especially true for aging systems. Keep reading to learn more about common end of season AC issues.

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What Should You Look for in a New Air Conditioning System?

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

With the soaring temperatures we’ve consistently experienced this summer, it may be hard to believe that autumn is just a mere month away. In Texas, that means nothing for your air conditioner, which you’ll still likely be using for a few more months during the day. Hopefully, your air conditioning system has held up without giving you any problems so far this season.

However, if you’ve discovered that your AC system just isn’t performing the way that it used to or that it’s unexpectedly failed on you, it’s time to consider replacing the cooling system. We’re happy to help you make an informed decision about what system is best for you and your home. We’ll start by sharing a few factors that you should look for in a new AC system below.

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How Do Professionals Determine the Right Air Conditioner Size?

Monday, August 8th, 2016

When it comes to having a new air conditioning system installed, your natural inclination is likely to purchase the most powerful system within your budget. Unfortunately, while this may make perfect sense for some types of appliances, this is the wrong thing to do with an AC system purchase. An air conditioner that is not appropriately installed—and appropriately sized by professionals—can run into many problems.

In fact, the majority of premature air conditioner failures are related to the way the unit was installed to begin with. It’s important when making this kind of purchase that you understand what our professionals do upon installation to meet proper building codes and to ensure that you have the space to accommodate the system of your choice.

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Don’t Ignore These AC Repair Warning Signs

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Here we are at the peak of summer, with temperatures continuing to soar. The last thing you likely want to encounter at this time is a broken down air conditioning system, or even one that is experiencing concerning symptoms.

Fortunately, it’s rare that an air conditioner completely fails without first showing some warning signs. It’s important to be aware of these warning signs so that you know when it’s time to call in the professionals. Remember, the sooner an AC problem is fixed, the better. Keep an eye—and ear—out for these following signs.

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Is it Time to Replace My Ductless Cooling System?

Monday, July 18th, 2016

Summer is not even halfway over and we’ve been feeling the heat for months. That being said, hopefully you haven’t had any detrimental problems with your ductless cooling system this season. These systems have the potential to last a long time, provided they are routinely maintained and well serviced.

However, if your aging ductless cooling system doesn’t have enough life left in it to push you through the rest of this season, it’s in your best interests that you are aware of the signs now. The last thing you want is for your air conditioner to fail you in the middle of summer. Keep reading to learn a couple of the signs that it’s time to replace your ductless cooling system.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Making Any of These 5 Ominous Sounds?

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Nobody wants to be stuck in the middle of summer without a working air conditioning system. Therefore, if you hear a strange noise coming from your AC system, you should definitely be alarmed and consider taking care of the problem right away. Unusual sounds coming from your AC typically mean that you need a repair, which you should have done before you’re faced with a system breakdown.

It’s important that you not try to diagnose and repair AC issues on your own. However, knowing what certain sounds mean can help give you a peace of mind about what’s occurring. Our repair technicians will diagnose the specific issues and address them as needed. Be sure to alert us if you hear any of the following 5 ominous air conditioning noises.

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