Roznovak's Services Blog:
Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

The Role Your AC Plays in Your Tripping Circuit Breaker

Monday, July 4th, 2016

Your circuit breaker is your electrical system’s safety device that prevents overload on a particular electrical circuit. There are many reasons that a circuit breaker might turn off, or “trip.” Your air conditioner, which requires enough energy for its own circuit breaker, can sometimes trip after an extreme amount of use.

However, if your AC breaker trips too often, gives any resistance when you switch it to the “on” position, or if it immediately trips a second time after switching it on, leave it off and give the experts at Roznovak’s a call so you can get your system quickly repaired and continue to enjoy your air conditioning unit.

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Choosing the Right AC System for Your Home

Monday, June 27th, 2016

Summer may have only just officially begun, but we’ve been feeling the heat for quite a while already. With that in mind, we hope that you haven’t encountered any detrimental issues with your air conditioning system. If you have, however, and you are thinking that it might be time to replace your AC system, then you have some things to consider.

First and foremost, is your current system the best type of air conditioner for your home and your needs? Also, should you go with a different brand, or model? Don’t forget about the efficiency rating either; some types of systems are much more efficient than others. Below, we’ve shared 3 other “must-haves” when you are considering a new air conditioner for your home.

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3 Signs That Your AC System Is Due for Repairs

Monday, June 20th, 2016

If your air conditioner has ever suddenly stopped on you for no apparent reason, then it’s pretty obvious that you need air conditioning repairs. However, what if your AC system is operating but giving you some small concerns? When is it time to call in a professional if your system hasn’t actually broken down?

In order to ensure your air conditioning system lasts the entire summer, and for the years to come, you should schedule your air conditioning repairs at the first sign of a problem. We’ve shared 3 of the most common signs that your AC system is due for repairs below.

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Consider These Zone Control System Benefits

Monday, June 13th, 2016

Central air conditioning is one of the greatest advances of technology in the country, especially for residents living in this area of Texas. However, as convenient as this type of cooling system is, it does have one considerable drawback. It delivers cooling—and heating—to the entire house without any exception. This means that unoccupied rooms in the home are being conditioned, which is a waste of energy.

This would be akin to having one main switch for your home turning on all your lights, without the option to turn any of them off. Though that’s a bit of an extreme example, it does give you a better idea of just how wasteful central cooling can be if you can’t control the rooms that receive conditioned air. The good news is that there’s a solution: zone control systems.

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Four Ways to Get Your Air Conditioner Ready for Summer

Monday, June 6th, 2016

One of the most important tips for us to share with Texas homeowners is to make sure to run your air conditioner before you need it this summer. Chances are, you’ve already turned it on at least once or twice to use it, but before we get to the heat of summer where you’ll be using it every day, it’s a good idea to test it to see how well it works.

Then you’ll be able to schedule any air conditioning repairs or services you might need at your leisure, before technicians are out busy on emergency calls. Regular preventive maintenance is key to ensuring that your air conditioner is ready to do its job all summer long. But maintenance isn’t the end all: there is more you can do to make sure your AC system is truly ready for summer.

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Beware These Common Heat Pump Problems This Summer

Monday, May 30th, 2016

Heat pumps are a very popular choice for Texas residents, meeting both their heating and cooling needs throughout the year. However as much as you rely on your heat pump, the wear and tear on the system is going to increase. The more wear and tear there is, the more likely it will be that your heat pump will develop issues.

To keep your heat pump in its best working condition, it’s important that you be able to identify problems as quickly as possible so you can have them repaired. Below we’ve uncovered some of the most common heat pump problems to keep an eye out for.

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Factors to Consider During a New Air Conditioner Installation

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

When it comes to having an air conditioner installed or replaced, it is certainly not a “one-size-fits-all” type of job. A quality air conditioner installation involves many steps, which should be completed by a professional rather than an unlicensed handyman or hopeful “do-it-yourself-er.”

Many homeowners believe that the most important part of selecting a new air conditioning system is the unit’s efficiency. While this is certainly a large part of the puzzle, it’s only a portion of what contributes to quality installation. There are many other factors to consider during a new air conditioner installation, some of which we’ve outlined below.

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Why Is There Water Leaking from My Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

Many homeowners mistakenly assume that water dripping or coming from their air conditioning system is normal. After all, it’s a condensation device right? Well, if we are talking about a small amount of water near the condensate drain pipe, or if there is a relatively tiny puddle around the outdoor unit, then it’s likely nothing to worry about. The problem arises when you are seeing much more water than you normally would.

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Why Isn’t My Air Conditioner Cooling My Home?

Monday, April 25th, 2016

It’s no secret that summers in Texas can get stifling hot. As a result, you want to make sure that your air conditioner works as effectively and efficiently as possible. One of the most common service calls we get is people asking, “Why isn’t my air conditioner cooling my home?” Your first instinct may be to panic and immediately call for repairs. We’re certainly ready for your call and happy to help out when needed. However there may be a more simple solution. Keep reading to learn more.

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Change Your Air Filter to Maintain System Performance

Monday, April 18th, 2016

Living in a climate such as ours, it’s absolutely vital to have a properly functioning air conditioner. In order to ensure your AC system runs as effectively and efficiently as possible throughout its lifespan, you’ll want to have a professional HVAC technician inspect, service, and repair your unit when needed. Regular preventive maintenance such as this is essential. However, there is one thing you can do on a regular basis that helps your air conditioner work: changing the air filter.

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