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Posts Tagged ‘Round Rock’

If Your Ductless System Isn’t Heating, This Might be Why

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

It’s more than a little unpleasant to turn on your ductless heating system expecting heat, only to be greeted with a blast of cold air. If you’re using a ductless system to keep warm this winter, and it’s suddenly not putting out any heat, there could be a couple of different reasons why. Let’s take a look at why your ductless system may not be heating, and what you should do about it.

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Furnace Problems to Watch Out For

Monday, December 28th, 2015

Winter is the time of year when furnaces see the most use, which means it’s also the time of year when furnace problems are the most common. Since furnace problems tend to get progressively worse the longer they are allowed to continue, the sooner they get repaired the better off the system is. You should familiarize yourself with the most common furnace problems, and their warning signs, so that you know when to call for repairs. Let’s take a look at some of those problems now.

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The Advantages of Winter Heat Pump Installation

Monday, December 14th, 2015

If you’re in the market for a new heating system, you may be tempted to just get another version of whatever it is you had before. For most homeowners, that would be either a gas or electric furnace. Before you do that, though, you should take a look at the other heating options available on the market. Not all heating solutions are good for all situations, and it’s important to be sure that the one you have is the best for your needs. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the advantages of installing a heat pump in your home this winter.

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What Happens When You Don’t Clean Your Furnace Air Filter

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

You may not know it, but your furnace relies heavily on the air filter that sits in the air return duct. It is this filter that protects the system from dust and other debris that could otherwise infiltrate and damage the system. The problem is that, since most homeowners don’t even know that these filters exist, many of them don’t get them changed or cleaned as often as they should. That leads to some serious issues for the furnace, which could result in the death of the whole system. Read on to find out what happens when your furnace air filter doesn’t receive the service it needs.

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Improve Your Home Heating Situation with Zone Control

Monday, October 19th, 2015

Centralized forced air heating has a lot of advantages, which is why it is the most popular type of home heating in the country. However, it does have a number of drawbacks as well. One of the biggest disadvantages to using centralized heating is that it cannot change the level of output it directs to each room of the house. A central heating system can only be on at full blast, or off. There is no in-between area. This leads to a lot of wasted energy on places like empty rooms. Fortunately, there is a way to deal with this problem. Let’s take a look at zone control, and how it can help your heating system this fall.

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Should I Install a Dehumidifier in My Home?

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Air temperature isn’t the only thing you need to worry about when it comes to keeping your indoor climate comfortable. Humidity is also a major factor, not only in your comfort but in your health and quality of life. If your home’s air is chronically humid, you might want to consider installing a dehumidifier to address it. Read on for some of the problems high humidity can cause, and how a dehumidifier can fix it.

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Why Replace an Old Air Conditioner if it still Works?

Monday, August 31st, 2015

People tend to really resist the idea of replacing their old air conditioners, especially if they still seem to be working fine. This is understandable. Air conditioners are pretty big investments. They’re often expensive, and the longer they last the more return you get on your investment. However, there are a number of good reasons why you might want to replace your air conditioner once it gets past a certain age. Let’s examine some of those reasons right now.

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3 Air Purifier Types That Can Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, April 27th, 2015

The air in your home is infested with millions upon millions of microscopic contaminants. Some of these are allergens and lung irritants, like dust, pollen, and dander. Others are infectious agents, like viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. All of them can have negative effects on your health, and you’re inhaling a dose of them with every breath you take. So what can you do about these pollutants that are destroying your indoor air quality? Install an air purifier. Read on to find out about 3 common air purifier types that can improve your indoor air quality.

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Why You Need to Have Your Air Conditioning Checked Before Summer Starts

Monday, March 30th, 2015

There’s a pretty wide variance in the way people treat their air conditioning systems.

Some people just install them, hope for the best, and only call for repairs when the entire system breaks down. Some people make sure to pay close attention to the way their air conditioner behaves, so they can catch problems before they have a chance to extensively damage the system.Finally, some people supplement their vigilance with regular professional maintenance. If you aren’t part of the last group, you should be.

Let’s take a look at why you need to have your air conditioning checked before summer starts.

Cost Benefit Analysis

The main reason that people avoid scheduling preventive maintenance for their air conditioners is that they don’t believe it’s necessary. Why spend the money to have a professional check out the system if there’s nothing wrong with it? The flaw in that line of reasoning is that, while there may not be anything apparently wrong with your system, there could be plenty of developing problems inside it that aren’t outwardly visible. Not all air conditioning problems have obvious symptoms. Usually, the only way to identify these problems is to physically check the part that’s starting to malfunction. Preventive maintenance is the only way to identify and fix these issues before they have the chance to get any worse.

Why Spring Maintenance?

If a system does have any problems or vulnerabilities, they are most likely to be brought out by increased stress. Summer is the time when your air conditioner sees the most use, which makes it the time when your system is most likely to break down. Spring maintenance is a way to make sure that your air conditioner is in top operating condition, right before it is put under the most stress. Now is the time to make sure that your air conditioner is up to the task of keeping you cool all summer.

If you haven’t had preventive maintenance done on your air conditioner this year, call Roznovak. We provide air conditioning maintenance throughout the Round Rock area.

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Ways You Can Update Your Current Air Conditioning System

Friday, October 24th, 2014

Your air conditioning system does a sufficient job at providing cool air to your home when you need it. But if you’re not getting quite the performance you deserve from your home comfort system, there may be a few changes you can make that will keep you more comfortable, save some money, and even improve the quality of your air.

You know to call a professional whenever you need residential AC repairs. However, the following services are some other ways you can update your air conditioner for a more relaxing home. These require the help of a professional technician, but can help prevent repairs and save you time and money later on.

  • Thermostat Upgrade: Thermostats have an important job: detect the indoor temperature and send a signal to the air conditioner when the temperature is higher than you have set the thermostat. It may seem that all thermostats work the same way, but a new thermostat can help you save energy and ward off repairs. A programmable wireless thermostat can be placed anywhere and has a digital display and advanced settings so that you can vary the temperature throughout the day. A smart thermostat can operate with an internet connection from a computer or smartphone. Controlling the temperature throughout the day keeps costs down and stops your system from becoming overworked and requiring repairs.
  • Zone Control Installation: Zone control systems allow you to adjust the temperature differently in individual areas or zones of the home. Separate thermostats mean family members are more comfortable wherever they are in the home, and it can help you save energy. You can shut off the air in areas of the home that go unused throughout the day, while keeping it on in the main living spaces.
  • Air Filtration System: An air filtration system can keep the air indoors feeling less stale, and can help keep allergies and asthma from acting up by filtering out certain harmful particles, bacteria, and mold spores. Try a new UV air purifier, dehumidifier, or electronic air filters.
  • Professional Maintenance: Finally, you can update your air conditioner by making the call to a professional technician for annual air conditioning maintenance. A technician will inspect the parts of your system, clean some components, and make minor adjustments to keep your unit running in the best shape possible.

Call the experts at Roznovak for thee updates or whenever you need professional residential AC repairs in Round Rock, TX.

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